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Posted by : Darktinker123 Monday, June 17, 2013


  1. it crashes my game when getting goes in walls and sky. please help me i'm bugged

  2. do you have any other mod installed?

  3. i try other gta san andreas but dont's work when open/run

  4. Just Tested Right Now 8/25/2013, it is working great without bugs, maybe it is because some other mods conflict about the mods and maybe you install it wrong.

  5. ok i will re-fix it, can you send me the ped?

    getsuga.ifp > gta3.img

    getsuga.cs and mp3 > cleo folder

  6. first i tried to windows 7 ultimate but does crash when getting in walls

  7. I don't have a default 'ped.ifp', just use the "ninja running v4 bug free"
    and yeah you put them all correct
    and the "models", don't forget you replace the effects.

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