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  1. Request Hud naruto Ninja storm 3 Bro :D

  2. Do you have any pictures of what it look like?

  3. hahaha that would be a though request, 'cuz i don't know I'm going to make xD

  4. Hey, the naruto blood prison skin, the link is took down. if you could possibly fix it, i would love it.

  5. Yeah it is now fix 1/23/2014 :)

  6. Dude can you make rasengan jutsu

  7. Try this rasengan pack,

  8. Thanks about that rasengan and i have request,can you make Summoning gamabunta or summoning manda

  9. Not a problem dude :), Okay i will try making on that.

  10. can you make young minato?

  11. You mean jounin minato? or another one, let me see some picture.

  12. Here it is you're request my friend

  13. here it is you're request

  14. Tsukuyomi jutsu can you make it

  15. when i try to download the new shinobi map. it doesnt download properly. idk what to do.

  16. I don't think that would be a problem of the file, i think the problem is you're internet connection or you're pc?, cause mine doesn't have any problem.

  17. ok i got it to download. thanks. and btw, could you make a killer bee skin, only as a kid. like when he was young.

  18. Okay i will try to look for it, 'cuz young killer bee doesn't show up on NUNS 3 full burst.

  19. Can you make minato rasengan

  20. Well just see, if i have some time,why not

  21. make more madara uchiha please

  22. what kind of madara uchiha skin do you want?

  23. and please make the download link is mediafire


  24. What reanimated uchiha madara you are talking about? v1 or v2?,

  25. the madara in the new manga was so badass O.O

  26. Spoiler Alert :D, That is cool :D

  27. I think it is just like this

  28. Bro skinz plz.I want rikudou madara uchiha and kakashi no vest. :D

  29. Here it is you're request.

  30. i want mokuton jugai koutan (Wood style:Deep forest) dude can you make it

  31. Hey jerico here is madara mokuton.. Autor: darck uchiha

  32. Thanks :), want to become admin to help me post some naruto mods :), but it is up to you if you want to. :D

  33. Hah jerico can you make reanimated madara with rinenggan

  34. First I'm going to send you a invitation letter for being admin, then you will going to go on www.blogger.com/dashboard, then click on the post button to post some topic on my blog, it is simpler than you imagine

  35. @M. Danial, Here it is

  36. @M. Danial, Here it is you're request

  37. can you make kisame jutsu other than water prison

  38. how did you do like at the blogger mouse Kuani and the Scriptures changed in the title? thanks in advance

  39. Here
    and what is Scriptures?

  40. how do u make the colored title Scriptures is font how do u make that ?

  41. Actually i didn't make that ;D, i just edit that using inspect element :)

  42. how xD ? with http://24work.blogspot.com/p/color-code-generator.html ?

  43. Inspect Element is just like a tester or editor of an html, and after done testing put it on the true part, if you're on blogger then on template :), about the cursor,
    first select a cursor you want
    press the "generate" button
    then press "add to blogger" button
    then press "add widget" button

  44. If i have madara i can't complete the jutsu without susano'o can you make it or anything else what madara jutsu

  45. There are many madara jutsu in gta.. There are tengai shinsei,susanoo and other..the other are hard to find the download link cuz the autor doesnt separate the mod file..
    Jerico i hope you find katon gouka meisstu for me :) in english fire style demolish flame

  46. Anonymous :

    Hey @Uchiha Itachi do u mean KATON GOUKA MEKKYAKU? cuz i didn't find any jutsu named katon gouka meisstu for gta sa..... :)

  47. No dude it's katon gouka meshitsuu.@Uchiha Itachi you have to download it By Dark Uchiha if i have time i will give the link OK.

  48. Anonymous :

    Here it is your request

  49. @M. Danial, you have a lot of mods, hiding in there :). Do you want to become admin of this blog?

  50. alright but i didn't know how to create skins and post it

  51. thanks but it's too late bro i did not use Itachi now i'm using madara sorry

  52. That tsukuyomi is cool tho..

  53. Anonymous :

    @M.Danial man it's ok :)
    @Uchiha Itachi Yeah your're right ^_^

  54. Guys can you make Obito in episode 345 someone of you

  55. Anonymous :

    @M.Danial i think i found it i a going to upload it soon!!! ^_^

  56. This comment has been removed by the author.
  57. can someone make me a skin with the body of zetsu spiral with the right eye kurama (kyuubi) and the armor of madara or Hashirama only in brown? and with the hair like madara maybe a litle shorter

  58. Don't worry it is not really that hard :D, and of course, it is okay that you don't know how to create skins on this blog. just share some jutsu,skins,etc :D, so if you're in.
    what is you're Gmail?

  59. Hey jerico can i be admin? And how to post mod?

  60. Sure, what is you're gmail?. it is just easy.

  61. @Uchiha Itachi, Done sending you an invitation.

  62. Hey you sent the invite right? Where to see the invitation lol.. In the gmail?

  63. Oh i get it.. XD and accept it :D

  64. @Uchiha Itachi, Welcome to my blog/website, 5th bro :D

  65. Yeah maybe i try to post something..maybe later..i have no time to post now :)

  66. @Uchiha Itachi, Well it's you're choice, and we can't do about it :)

  67. woooww...this blog is very very nice

  68. @Leonardo Henderson, Thank and you're very very welcome here :)

  69. @Jerico Lequin can you make a skin tobi wearing robes akatsuki + hood ?

  70. @Leonardo Henderson, Sure no problem :)

  71. @leonardo henderson here it is

  72. @Jerico Lequin can you make hud tobi?

  73. Ok @M.Danial and if it's working can i upload my sharingan naruto

  74. And how if i want to see the invitation and this is my Gmail.........@M.Danial.................

  75. @Leonardo henderson, well I'm going to put it on my request box ;)

  76. @Leonardo henderson, Here is you're request buddy

  77. Anonymous :

    Can you make Orochimaru or Madara with Akatsuki coat? :)

  78. I'm so glad this site got popular as it did. I love it :D

  79. @M. Danial why your gmail like that?

  80. What's your Gmail my friends @Uchiha Itachi

  81. Guys,this is madara pack jutsu it got Katon gouka mekyaku,katon gouka meshitsuu,perfect susano'o and more.I dunno it's working or not on your computer because it crashed on mine so this is the link http://www.mediafire.com/download/jakppzb2paainfh/Uchiha+Madara+Final.rar

  82. Lol.. What is this? Isnt it a uchiha madara skin not a jutsu? Please give the right link :)

  83. @M. Danial Thanks for sharing some jutsu,skins,etc, If you want to share mod, i will make you an admin if you want.

  84. oh my bad, sorry all this is wrong link.Sorry i've didn't find the mediafire,this is the right link https://mega.co.nz/#!R9NQTSLK!TfZH-_nUVuPMdKiSaZv-H2spcHnRIpXH2v0Jmgcdhi8

  85. Jerico,can i share obito jutsu too? :)

  86. @M. Danial, Yeah of course you can, tell me what is you're gmail, I'm going to sent you a request invitation for being an admin of this site.

  87. Sorry I don't know what is Gmail,dude. Can you give an example.

  88. Lol the gmail is like this for example blanla@gmail.com.. This is just example okay..try open google and type gmail..are u sure u didnt remember your gmail?

  89. Oww, i get it thanks bro, dannielsasuke@gmail.com.

  90. @M. Danial I'm going to sent you a request information for being admin, accept it, if you want to.

  91. anyone knows how to capture on pc except print screen button? cus my print screen dont work

  92. Anonymous :

    mmm.... sorry my game crash please help !!!!!

  93. why? did you install mod? what Mod?

  94. @Jerico Lequin how to make a skin?, whether you use zmodeler?

  95. when installing a mod dont forget to backup your files

  96. @Mohamad faudzie, Use, keyboard on screen and click the button print screen :)

  97. @Leonardo henderson, you can Autodesk, Zmodler, or what-ever you like, but I'm using autodesk :)

  98. How i'm gonna see the request

  99. @M. Danial, Go to gmail.com , go to you're inbox and look for the request form.

  100. Try reinstalling gta sa :)

  101. Can You make susanoo perfect jutsu

  102. @Jerico Lequin ,My request made using the skin anbu wearing cloak?, how to replace a police weapon into a sword anbu?

  103. @Leonardo hender, what do you mean in the model or in gta?, In gta it is just like replacing some ped, find the .dff and .txd and replace them

  104. Jerico i have a request can you make a mission in the shinobi world v8?? and add peds in other place...

  105. @Ryan Jones, The problem is I can't add more peds in the other peds, but the mission in shinobi world v8, i think i can :)

  106. Can you do it fast? cuz i like :) do it now!! :DD

  107. @Ryan Jones, Nope I can't do it fast, cause I don't have enough time to finish it. :D

  108. Jerico did you know how to create jutsu.If i know to create jutsu i will make more XD

  109. @M. Danial, Yeah i know how to create jutsu, but it really dig deep into my mind, and it really hurts :D

  110. do you know a skin of jugo with the curse seal like this one? https://www.facebook.com/TravellingInTheShadows/photos/a.288642017913435.62900.288622927915344/492424510868517/?type=1&theater

  111. Dude why you are not posting mod this is your blog man. We respect you. :)

  112. @M. Danial, I'm really sorry about that, cause I'm so busy in my life :), I don't have time to post some, but i will try my best to post some mods :)

  113. @Mohamad faudzie, I don't have some akatsuki jugo with arm alteration, but i have some two kinds of jugo that have arm alteration but not akatsuki :)

  114. Don't worry dude.And can you research for KATON GOUKA MESHITSUU i would love for that jutsu.

  115. I have katon gouka messhitu..but i have no time to post it..im so busy with my study :/

  116. @Uchiha Itachi, You also understand me :D

  117. Me too i'm really busy with my examination

  118. Guys..can you guys make obito half black zetsu in previous manga? I would appreciate it

  119. Jerico you used what to create jutsu

  120. Yeah but i want the black zetsu is at left side of obito

  121. @M. Danial, I use
    Sanny Builder ---> For Cleo Script
    Autodesk 3ds max 2010 ---> For Animations

  122. @Uchiha Itach, How about this

  123. @Jerico Lequin, like this current obito.. http://www.mangapanda.com/naruto/665/19

  124. You (Jerico Lequin) say: what do you mean in the model or in gta?, In gta it is just like replacing some ped, find the .dff and .txd and replace them

    Me :I mean, I do not know the name of the police's weapon like a stick

  125. But it not easy as you think.. Its complicated..so hard to understand all step xD

  126. This comment has been removed by the author.
  127. Wow that's gonna be though.

  128. Just download weapon selector mod and you will find the police stick name there..

  129. Hey dude i got it. . The name is nightstick.. Try find nightstick.dff and txd

  130. @Jerico Hey Jerico look at this 3D model... Can you teach me how to convert this into GTA SA or can you convert it into GTA SA...


  131. @Usman, The Jounin Obito will be release tonight...

  132. Anonymous :

    @mohamad faudzie yeah ur right

  133. Anonymous :

    I think i will :D

  134. Anonymous :

    i will search for it :)

  135. BTW How to make the skins from 3D Models?

  136. Request Jounin Sasuke :D

  137. that 3D models are from Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 Full Burst, and i don't really know what program they use to create those 3D models

  138. @Dewa here it's your request

  139. ok but the website that i had Jounin Obito has the models.... I just want to know how to make them into skins.....

  140. Anonymous :

    Request anbu yamato kid

  141. @Usman, Here it is

  142. Hey..can someone here make madara perfect susanoo :D

  143. Dude i've just find ^_^ i will upload it later. I will doing my best

  144. @Uchiha Itachi, Here

  145. dude ... can you make susanoo madara like this https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRgif8gOngWisHnVXnzUiZ4cOgHreuKPdoCp9EioE1aiRTeNiC_

    and make it bigger please

  146. The header is great @GODSON NARUTO did you make it

  147. @Uchiha Itachi do you have created a mod

  148. No..i dont know how to create cleo script

  149. Jerico, dude can you make the skin of obito like this one


  150. can any one make the skin of old madara https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=458717817589963&set=pcb.458717894256622&type=1&relevant_count=2
    or obito/zetsu black please

  151. @haikal alghifari here

  152. Thats gonna be though..

  153. Anonymous :

    yeah! :3

  154. yeah i know but the clothes its look like Uchiha Madara 6#

  155. but thanks for obito/zetsu half black

  156. Hey Jerico..
    Give me HTML script for this List..
    This list awesome... :D

  157. Anonymous :

    What do you mean by HTML script for this list? o_O

  158. @Dimas Subhan, Here is the script of this widget :)

  159. I want the half black zetsu and half white zetsu

  160. This comment has been removed by the author.
  161. @Dimas Subhan what do you mean does not exist?, the page the script?, what?

  162. @haikal alghifari Here

  163. Can anyone make reverse katana?

  164. Anonymous :

    @haikal alghifari what do u mean by reverse katana mod?

  165. @Dimas Subhan if it is no't working just search on google "table of contents widgets for blogger"

  166. i belive he means what happens when you put yomi.ifp in your GTA

  167. Anonymous :

    @Usman i don't think he means that :|

  168. i mean that katana on left hand its look like http://upamais.com/images/96969179615563267631.jpg

  169. Can any one make uchiha madara 3# without weapon?

  170. You guys should do a black zetsu, that would be awesome

  171. request jerico :# Itachi Jutsus Pack pls

  172. Can i request again? Please request enb series realistic water for very low pc

  173. @Ryan Jones, Itachi jutsu pack, can error you're gta, if you don't know how stuff works :)

  174. @haikal alghifari Here download this, this will going to solve you're problem

  175. @haikal alghifari We don't really made enb series, try to search it on google maybe you can see that stuff there.

  176. No its not a mod or problem because i want my katana in left hand

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