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Posted by : Unknown Monday, August 25, 2014

Marco The Phoenix

SKIN RIGGED BY Harish Khobragade [HPK]


  1. Penasaran :

    How to Create a Skin

  2. @Penasaran, A lot of process dude, if you really wan't to created from scratch,it would take a long process. But if you wan't to rig a model it will gonna be easier.
    What is rig?
    rig means Placing a Skeleton in models and re-sizing the scale of the characters to use it on gta.
    Where to get a models or characters?
    some games ;D

  3. Penasaran :

    How to rig models
    Sorry for my bad english

  4. @Penasara, Here is some 3d naruto models, http://naruto-3d-modelers.deviantart.com/
    and here is the video of how to rig skins http://youtu.be/iyrcLed0CVA

  5. Penasaran :

    What is the name of the application for skin

  6. Penasaran :

    How To Use Autodesk 3ds Max

  7. Penasaran :

    Where I Find GTA_IFP_IO

  8. @Penasaran GTA_IFP_O can find using kams script, When you done download Autodesk 3ds Max, Download Kams Script to use IFP.

  9. Penatahan :

    How do I import dff to autodesk 2013.

  10. Wisnu Sanjaya :

    Can You Make Sakura (Swimswit)

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