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Posted by : Darktinker123 Sunday, August 18, 2013


  1. can you make kamehameha mod???

  2. nope :), i only make naruto mods, this iron man mod just forced me to create this one :D

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
  4. why? it can be powerfull mod

  5. but, can I edit this mod to be kamehameha?

  6. sure you can do whatever you want :)

  7. Anonymous :

    Hey Jerico Is there a way I can see all the skins at once because when I click on "skin" section it doesn't show all skins only recent ones.

  8. Click The "All Selection" Above, And Go To The Skins Part.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.
  10. Anonymous :

    How to install this mod can anyone?

  11. Read in the readme.txt :), inside the folder you download

  12. ajidoank if you are looking for Kamehameha Mod go to this website:


    That is Kamehameha... Activate by pressing TAB+H

  13. @Arya Fajar, No it is still working, maybe you just installed it wrong.

  14. I've put the file in cutsene and cleo but after I pressed the button = / + mod it does not work

  15. @Arya Fajar, Make sure you're "num lock is enbaled".

  16. Can you give me the real mediafire link because in my country adf.ly liks are banned and i want this mod

  17. @Bhavya Popat, Here is the mediafire link

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