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Posted by : Darktinker123 Saturday, September 07, 2013


  1. Awesome bro,
    Ήέέ,bro can ΰ repost skin ao (№ byakugan) with high texture?
    †ђąηk ўσυ

  2. ΐ already check it,its size still 45kb.
    Still has bug,Ήέέ.
    Skin AO,he

  3. ΐ mean still not prfect that's texture,Ήέέ.
    Sory my bad english,Ήέέ.

  4. the textures of the skin is originally from game called ninja storm and converted to gta san andreas that's why the it's not high texture

  5. Ö˚°◦oυẅ,†ђąηk ўσυ for info.
    Now I'm understand it,Ήέέ

  6. Ƞ sori ΐ forget it,
    Can ΐ request skin jinchuriki (not edo tensei)?
    Ήέέ,†ђąηk ўσυ

  7. Yugito,han,roshi,yagura (not edo tensei) etc are jinchuriki.

  8. ouh so you mean not reanimated jinchuriki

  9. Yes,that's was ΐ mean.

  10. yeahh!! i can do that :), but it take time :)

  11. †ђąηk ўσυ very much bro,
    Your skin very awesome.
    ΰ я the best modder,wish ΰ can post another skin moreover skin naruto,ΰ can post skin superhero in other ur web.Ήέέ.
    Ƞ can ΐ request skin bijuu?
    †ђąηk ўσυ again.
    Sori my bad english,he

  12. No Problem Bro, yeah i have other web and also on gta san andreas skins, but it is still work in progress website there is some a lot of bugs on that site
    here is the link

  13. Ö˚°◦oυẅ,hope ΰ post more various skins on that web.
    What ΐ hope is skin superhero,Ήέέ

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