Posted by : Darktinker123 Monday, January 13, 2014


  1. Anonymous :

    Can you do a Obito Skin while he had Zetsu's clone armor? look in Shippuuden 345. I would really appreciate it :)

  2. i wish had some time to make..

  3. Hey jerico in the image how did you get the naruto to pop up with the time?

  4. by pressing the "P" button, on the keyboard :)

  5. Anonymous :

    Hmm alright:(

  6. lagay mo lang lahat ng files gta san andreas direectory.

  7. Hey Jerico add this skin to the site :D

  8. thanks man i really appreciate that you helping me. :)
    want to become admin of my blog?

  9. I will tell you but somewhere more private...

    Everyone can see messages here and i dont want them to know my email... so ill tell it to you on chatango or something

  10. I have sent it...

    Look at your chatango.... i left an offline message with my email...

    My username is Usman54321

  11. I've Already Sent You An Admin Invitation My Friend, All You Just Need Is To Accept It, And You're On :)

  12. I accepted and it took me to

  13. Also how to add skins because i dont know how to program HTML yet....

  14. You don't really know about html, just go to blogger and click on new post on gta naruto world, just post on whatever you like :) even if the download link is not adfly

  15. And of course, about the topic you post, please make sure that you're post have
    •Pictures :)
    •Free Download Link (Recommended mediafire) :)

  16. I made my first post just now :D

    See if its good :D

  17. Welcome To Gta Sa Naruto World My Friend, ;) Happy posting, and make sure you're post doesn't exist already, i will be looking for an active admin again :)

  18. Hey Jerico I found this:
    It has a download and all that.... But it doesnt show where it is.... If you decide to upload it can you also find out the location?

  19. Hy Jerico, can you make Hud Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 for gta sa???
    I Want it. See

  20. If i have some time i will try making it.

  21. Ouh okay man, i will try to upload this.

  22. Victor Tuang :

    How can I fix my game, It got error. Please help me.... It says "your gta_sa.exe is not supported"... So please help me

  23. What is the problem? Did you install any mod?

  24. @Victor Tuang,
    1. You better should have cracked "gta_sa.exe"
    2. You better should installed this correctly.
    3. What is you're OS?

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