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Posted by : Darktinker123 Thursday, February 13, 2014


  1. Jerico How come i am not admin anymore?

  2. @Usman, Because you are no longer posting some topic in our blog :), but if you want to join again tell me.

  3. I wasn't posting because i was sick -.-
    i had 100 Degrees fahrenheit tempreture throughout the day.... I took some medicine and had an allergic reaction.... And my face swelled. So that is why i couldnt post D:

  4. Jerico are you able to make a perfect susanoo madara

  5. @Sage Of The Six Paths Rikudo Sennin, Actually that mod already exist, made by darkuchiha, i will going to post it if i have some free time :)

  6. @Jerico Lequin, i try that perfect susanoo my game crashed D:

  7. @Uchiha Itachi, I think because of the other mods :)

  8. I think that mod is too heavy.. Maybe

  9. @Uchiha Itachi, No there is no mod that heavy, nothing will crash if you know how to read cleo script :)

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