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Posted by : Darktinker123 Friday, January 31, 2014


  1. I always wondered how they did that...

  2. Hehe, It doesn't really that so hard, you just think it is :)

  3. can I edit it with my name ?

  4. Anonymous :

    @Sean Micheal Grande yeah you can there is a file named "name.fxt" just write your name there :D

  5. Aw it crash me when im load saved game... why?? what cleo should i use?

  6. Anonymous :

    @Fontana Fon there is no cleo to load "load game og gta sa" u have to do new game... that's my problem too :| i always do new game

  7. @Godson my problem is opposite.I can't start new game 'cause new game crashes.So i have to play load game everytime

  8. Anonymous :

    @ Harish Khobragade -HPK LOL WTF?!

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  18. can some one make orchimaro mod

  19. can some one make orchimaro mod

  20. can some one make orchimaro mod

  21. can some one make orchimaro mod

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