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Posted by : Unknown Saturday, March 15, 2014

video : search on youtube


  1. @Haikal Algifahri
    jutsu ini bisa keluarin shuriken gk??
    kalo di videonya dari madaraanggara kan bisa keluarin shuriken

  2. Maaf gak bisa, ini kan tidak persis cuma mirip seperti videonya sitenmame/buceq cend

  3. bisa bikin kamui yang bisa keluarin shuriken gk??

  4. Anonymous :

    Tapi kalo shurikennya kebesaran gk mslh kan? (haikal alghifari)

  5. Anonymous :

    Tapi kalo shurikennya kebesaran gk mslh kan? (haikal alghifari)

  6. itu yg ane mau
    sama add fb ane ya
    >>> https://www.facebook.com/xana.lyoko.16

  7. Anonymous :

    Hey guys for all of u i just wanna sy a thing that except english no language is aloud here -_-

  8. Anonymous :

    it's ok for now but plz remember this ok :)

  9. Anonymous :

    Maybe later im sick now (haikal alghifari)

  10. can you give me the link to download the jutsu??

  11. Don't worry i can translate what they talking about cuz i understand what they saying

  12. @Haikal what effect of this jutsu and can it kill people

  13. Why every time I use Itachi's Susanoo is always jammed or crash ?
    Sorry, I do not speak English

  14. @Rivai Nur Hidayat Maybe you installed it wrong, or maybe some other mod will going to conflict the mod that you installed, or the mod had problem.

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